Heya Desai
Undergraduate Trainee, Medical Sciences
Heya Desai is an undergraduate student in the Medical Sciences program at Western University. She sees active and healthy living as a means to optimize human potential and is driven by a deep commitment to implement precision-prevention in proactive healthcare solutions that address the unique health challenges faced by marginalized communities.
Under the guidance of Dr. Katapally, Heya is a research trainee with the DEPtH Lab team, where she is actively contributing to the Smart Youth Initiative. She is developing practical skills in global health research and data analysis, exploring evidence-based interventions that promote health equity. She understands that one-size-fits-all solutions will not catalyze meaningful health improvements on a global scale, and is dedicated to creating tailored, resource-compatible approaches that promote individual well-being.
Looking ahead, Heya aims to deepen her expertise in quantitative research methods and interdisciplinary research by contributing to the DEPtH Lab’s evolving work in developing artificial intelligence and virtual reality (VR) interventions that deliver effective, real-time healthcare solutions.