Dr. Lamin Massaquoi
Global Health Advisor
Lamin Massaquoi, PhD, is a Global Public Health professional with extensive local and international experience. Dr Massaquoi holds a PhD in Epidemiology and a master’s degree in Public Health. He has several years of experience working in various parts of the world on a variety of Public Health related issues including global health emergencies, environmental health, gender and human rights, and child, adolescents and young adult health. He is a beneficiary of the World Health Organization’s Director General’s Young Professional Programme and currently works for the Public Health Agency of Canada. Dr. Massaquoi’s previous experiences include working for the World Health Organization as a Technical Officer for Adolescent and Young Adult Health, the United Nations Population’s Fund as an Expert Population and Data Research Fellow supporting countries in the East & Southern Africa and the Arab Region (ESARO) on the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation, Epidemiologist Manager with Doctors without Borders (MSF). In addition, Dr. Massaquoi is an expert grant and award administrator. He has facilitated and managed hundreds of small, medium and large scale project grants for academic and non-academic institutions. Outside of work, Dr. Massaquoi is an avid soccer fan.